Welcome To The Complete Guide To Virgin Remy Hair Extensions, Wigs, Hair Care & Accessories
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Applying Hair Extensions - The How To Series
Hair extensions are fun. They can transform a bad hair day into a fantabulous one. Not everyone can pull off a short, saucy style. Not everyone has the determination required to grow their hair. Hair extensions are the perfect solution. Well, not exactly. You could end up with extensions that are a nightmare so you need to head to the Virgin Remy Indian Hair direction.
There are many types of extensions on the market today both synthetic and human. Knowing what you need is essential when deciding what to buy.
Are you simply looking for a few strands of color? Colored clip-ins would be your best option. But, do you want to curl or straighten these extensions? If you do, stay away from synthetic. If desiring to have a full head of extensions, again there are a few choices.
There are clip-in hair pieces, loop-and-lock strands, hair extensions that can be weaved/braided into the hair and those that can be attached to the hair with special glue. The decision really boils down to what the individual wants.
Ever wished there was one place that would guide you how to apply hair extensions real quick. You've come to the right place that tells you everything you need relevant to Virgin Remy Indian Hair in every form, size, color, brand, whether Virgin Remy Indian Hair wigs, weaves, extensions or clip-ins. All here!
Once the big decision has been made and the hair extensions are bought, what will you do with them?
So here's the quick magic formula on how to successfully apply hair extensions if you’re doing it all by yourself:
If choosing the single strands of color…
it’s easy, just clip them in wherever you want to see color.
However…To use the clip-in hair pieces
These will take a little more care and technique. Clip-in hair extensions are usually made in twelve, fourteen and eighteen inch lengths. To use these extensions your natural hair must have some length to it, enough to hide the bands and clips.
To attach clip-in extensions you should start at the nape (neck area), comb down a couple inches of your natural hair, then clip in the hair piece. Repeat these two steps until you reach your crown, making sure to place extensions around the sides of the head as well.
Want a more permanent look?
Decide to go with the loop-and-lock hair extensions.
This type of extension should be attached by a professional, someone who is familiar with hair extensions and their placement, especially familiar with Virgin Remy Indian Hair.
Loop-and-lock extensions do exactly as the names says; one by one a strand of hair is attached, each one being looped around the natural hair, through a piece of string and locked in place with tiny metal pieces.
These hair extensions blend in with natural hair quite well.
Remember this Tip:
Once hair grows a whole lot more, the loop-and-lock extensions will need to be removed and redone.
Braided Hair Extensions:
If opting for the braided hair extensions, once again these should be attached by someone who is familiar with the process.
Attaching these hair extensions will require small strands of the natural hair to be woven into small strands of the extensions.
Of course these too should be placed underneath the natural hair in order to hide the braids.
When weaving these hair extensions, a French braid or a tree braid can be used.
Looking for something EVEN MORE permanent?
Then the weave hair extensions are those which are fused to the natural hair. This type of hair extension looks very natural and provides volume and fullness to the hair. This process involves special hot glue that fuses the natural and hair extensions together.
If attached properly these hair extensions will feel and look like your own hair. Tip:
This procedure will definitely require the assistance of a professional hairstylist.
Spoiled for choice:
There are various types of hair extensions and each of them has an individual way to be attached. It is imperative to have them properly attached to avoid problems and disappointments. It is also essential to remember that although it may look and feel like your hair, it isn’t. Therefore following steps for proper care of hair extensions is crucial. Stay updated for more Virgin Remy Indian Hair news, information and reviews!