The MilkyWay Saga Gold Remy Yaky 100% Human Hair Weave is very reasonably priced and of a very high quality. This post is for those who want Virgin Remy Hair at the most competitive rate.
I went digging for one that ticked both criteria for a cousin sister who was frantically looking and found everything out of her budget. Now I considered it my personal challenge as a Remy Goddess who loves everything to do with Remy hair so I was put on the assignment.
Saga Gold is generally known to be affordable and of good reputation. The picture to the left is the advertized size 12, medium brown.

~ An Amazon verified purchase gave this product a big thumbs up and in her words "I always tell my clients that you hair is an investment and this hair is great. It does not tangle and if it does its not a hassle to get out or it is time to shampoo. I wish I could show you a photo of my hair!!! "
- ~ It has an unidirectional alignment which allows for elimination of all harsh chemical treatments that typically cause tangles and breakage
- ~ Has combination of different lengths of hairs so that it gives a layered look and since it is not full to the end
- ~ Hair is thicker, stronger and healthier.
~ Hardly sheds and thins out especially in comparison to cheaper brands. (Remember all shed from time to time so you need the better quality ones with least shedding with affordability)
- ~ The price = A reviewer said regarding buying from Amazon "Also the prices here are great compared to stores and some other online sites that charge too much." And I totally agree. (read lexi's review)
- ~ You can get 10' for $19.99 while local beauty stores ask for $35.99 for the very same product.
- ~ It is one of the smoothest, bounciest, and most lustrous hair in the market.
- ~ Remains mostly straight but can be curled easily so if you prefer straight hair most of the time then this is ideal.
- ~ Comparatively it is manageable as well as tangle and shed free.
- ~ It will look great after the first wash.
- ~ If you have naturally relaxed hair, this product will suit you perfectly as it will blend well.

The only con I can think of is that if you can go a bit higher with the price range you will get the added benefit of better quality Remy hair and I would recommend the Bobbi Boss Indi Remy. You can find my posts on this post here on the
Best Virgin Remy Indian Hair.
My Tips For MilkyWay Saga Gold users:
- ~ For shedding and general lack of lustre to your hair extensions and weaves, remember moisturize , moisturiz, moisturize. Treat it like you would your own hair. Actually, better than that because you paid for it and it didn't come free like that hair on your head so be sure to squeeze every penny out of your beauty investment.
- ~ Remember for longer lasting pieces, you would need to invest more but if you want a quick 6-12 month run of your time and money, go for this MilkyWay Virgin Remy Indian Hair.