Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions make life easier, don't you think? Hair extensions provide women with numerous options. Will I go short today or long? Do I want a sophisticated updo or a saucy, messy look? Would I rather my hair be fine and thin or full and thick? Because of hair extensions these choices are possible & limitless.
More and more individuals, old and young alike are taking advantage of the hair freedom they can have with hair extensions. Not everyone has the patience required to grow their locks. Not everyone is fortunate to have a head full of thick hair. The beauty industry has made millions of people’s lives so much brighter with the invention of hair extensions.
When choosing hair extensions it is important to know what you need, ask loads of questions and be content with those you buy. Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions aren’t cheap. In fact they can be quite expensive. Knowing and getting what you want will make the purchase worthwhile.
There are different types of Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions on the market today. They each have one excellent component – 100% virgin human hair. These hair extensions have never been exposed to chemicals. They are untouched by colors and/or perms. This is fantastic and this is why they are so pricey.
What type of hair extensions are you looking for?
For years people depended mostly on wigs to change their hairstyle. Of course wigs are still available today and the good news it, some are made with 100% virgin hair. Some women like the addition of a hair-piece, added as a ponytail or used to create a perfect bun.
There are those, especially teens who really don’t know what they want so they choose clip-in hair extensions.
And then there are others who desire more permanent hair and they choose Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions that can be glued, woven or are loop-and-lock.
Yes there are a variety of avenues to achieving dream hair!
Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions may be 100% Virgin when they are bought. However this doesn’t mean they must stay that way. These hair pieces can be colored treated to match up perfectly with the individual’s hair. They can be highlighted or lowlighted. They can be curled with a curling iron or straightened with a flat iron. Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions are the real deal.
Since hair extensions require your investment and are pretty permanent for many people, it is imperative to learn how to take care of them.
As with your own hair, your extensions will get dirty particularly if you are one to use many hair products.
When ready to wash Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions it is important first of all to brush out any tangles and knots.
Take a small portion of hair, wet it and apply a portion of detangling shampoo.
Of course be gentle when washing, scrubbing is not needed.
Using a downward motion might work best.
Once the shampoo has been rinsed out, a conditioner should be applied.
If the hair extensions are colored or permed, a deep-conditioner would be the answer. Virgin Remy Indian Hair extensions should be air-dried if time permits.
Keeping hair extensions clean will preserve them for a longer period of time.
A person with hair extensions may feel sometimes their hair requires protection, for example during swimming. While swimming hair extensions should always be kept under a cap.
Sleeping may be another concern. Tossing and turning, rubbing ones head against a pillow could certainly cause the hair to be knotted and tangled. Braiding the hair is a good solution. A tiny spray of detangler or leave-in conditioner might help. How about sleeping on a silk pillowcase? That too would reduce the morning mess.
Ms. Kardashian At Her Stylists'
It is very important not to forget your own hair. Hair extensions can’t stay on forever. To maintain healthy hair, hair extensions and hair pieces even, will need to be removed from time to time.
Make sure you visit your hairstylist to pamper yourself , opt for Virgin Remy Indian Hair and let your hairstylist offer you some professional advice and help you with complicated hair styling procedures. Sometimes its better taking care of your hair at home and sometimes its just best to have an experienced hand lend a hand. After all they have tons of bad hair cases that they've fixed so don't struggle on your own.
Heard About Virgin Remy Indian Hair and you’re sick and tired of your current hair extensions? They aren’t working out?
Or maybe you’ve had them way too long?
Perhaps you finally realized long hair is not for you, short works better.
Or you just want a new look, bored with the old?
Whatever the reason there will come a day when you’ll want to rid yourself of those hair extensions. It was great while it lasted but now just the thought of removing them seems overwhelming. What are you going to do to make sure the removal process goes smooth?
Removing hair extensions is quite easy if the individual is wearing the clip-in type. Of course most people with clip-in hair pieces attach and remove them every other day. Removal in this case is not rocket science. However it is important to take care of the hair if you want to reuse them. Proper care will ensure your hair extensions have a long life.
How to remove the bonded hair extensions – that’s not quite so painless unfortunately.
Remember when they were attached, they were meant to stay put. This process may not be as simple as putting them in. Patience will go a long way while removing bonded or glued hair extensions.
Heres my attempt to help you make a not-so-simple process, real simple:
The first step is to locate each separate hair piece. Pin the excess hair out of the way. Look for the portion of hair that is bonded to the hair extension. This is where the removal begins.
The glue used in bonding these hair extensions was meant to last.
Now you are going to attempt to break the bond, loosen the glue, in order to remove the hair.
Oil sheen is recommended in the early stages of this hair extension removal. Spray each bonded area thoroughly with the oil sheen. Using your fingertips massage the oil into the bonded area. The more sheen used, the better the outcome.
Not only is there glue to be removed, there are also the tiny little metal pieces or tracks which need to come out. The oil sheen is not quite powerful enough to get the tracks out of the hair.
So hair grease is the best option. This time the grease needs to be applied to your natural hair.
After this application, begin to move the hair grease downward toward the metal tracks.
Hopefully this procedure, along with some minor twisting and turning, will release the track.
The metal tracks should be out of the hair by now. The hair extensions will still be attached to your hair with glue.
So now to get the glue out and remove the extensions, you will need to wash your hair starting with cold water.
Tip: Keep in mind any heat may cause the glue to harden which will cause a huge dilemma.
Apply shampoo and give your hair a good scrub. Follow the rinse with conditioner. Your hair should now be extension free.
Blow-dry your hair, at a cool setting.
Once your hair has dried, use a comb and rid your hair of any left-over glue.
It’s done! You have successfully removed your hair extensions. Hopefully it wasn’t torture. Of course you could have saved yourself the trouble by visiting a professional hairstylist who removes hair extensions often and no doubt has their own personal techniques. But if you decide to learn to do it yourself or just want to save yourself the time and money of a stylists visit, this article should hopefully teach you how to remove your hair extensions without any problems.
Hair extensions are fun. They can transform a bad hair day into a fantabulous one. Not everyone can pull off a short, saucy style. Not everyone has the determination required to grow their hair. Hair extensions are the perfect solution. Well, not exactly. You could end up with extensions that are a nightmare so you need to head to the Virgin Remy Indian Hair direction.
There are many types of extensions on the market today both synthetic and human. Knowing what you need is essential when deciding what to buy.
Are you simply looking for a few strands of color? Colored clip-ins would be your best option. But, do you want to curl or straighten these extensions? If you do, stay away from synthetic. If desiring to have a full head of extensions, again there are a few choices.
There are clip-in hair pieces, loop-and-lock strands, hair extensions that can be weaved/braided into the hair and those that can be attached to the hair with special glue. The decision really boils down to what the individual wants.
Ever wished there was one place that would guide you how to apply hair extensions real quick. You've come to the right place that tells you everything you need relevant to Virgin Remy Indian Hair in every form, size, color, brand, whether Virgin Remy Indian Hair wigs, weaves, extensions or clip-ins. All here!
Once the big decision has been made and the hair extensions are bought, what will you do with them?
So here's the quick magic formula on how to successfully apply hair extensions if you’re doing it all by yourself:
If choosing the single strands of color…
it’s easy, just clip them in wherever you want to see color.
However…To use the clip-in hair pieces
These will take a little more care and technique. Clip-in hair extensions are usually made in twelve, fourteen and eighteen inch lengths. To use these extensions your natural hair must have some length to it, enough to hide the bands and clips.
To attach clip-in extensions you should start at the nape (neck area), comb down a couple inches of your natural hair, then clip in the hair piece. Repeat these two steps until you reach your crown, making sure to place extensions around the sides of the head as well.
Want a more permanent look?
Decide to go with the loop-and-lock hair extensions.
This type of extension should be attached by a professional, someone who is familiar with hair extensions and their placement, especially familiar with Virgin Remy Indian Hair.
Loop-and-lock extensions do exactly as the names says; one by one a strand of hair is attached, each one being looped around the natural hair, through a piece of string and locked in place with tiny metal pieces.
These hair extensions blend in with natural hair quite well.
Remember this Tip:
Once hair grows a whole lot more, the loop-and-lock extensions will need to be removed and redone.
Braided Hair Extensions:
If opting for the braided hair extensions, once again these should be attached by someone who is familiar with the process.
Attaching these hair extensions will require small strands of the natural hair to be woven into small strands of the extensions.
Of course these too should be placed underneath the natural hair in order to hide the braids.
When weaving these hair extensions, a French braid or a tree braid can be used.
Looking for something EVEN MORE permanent?
Then the weave hair extensions are those which are fused to the natural hair. This type of hair extension looks very natural and provides volume and fullness to the hair. This process involves special hot glue that fuses the natural and hair extensions together.
If attached properly these hair extensions will feel and look like your own hair. Tip:
This procedure will definitely require the assistance of a professional hairstylist.
Spoiled for choice:
There are various types of hair extensions and each of them has an individual way to be attached. It is imperative to have them properly attached to avoid problems and disappointments. It is also essential to remember that although it may look and feel like your hair, it isn’t. Therefore following steps for proper care of hair extensions is crucial. Stay updated for more Virgin Remy Indian Hair news, information and reviews!
Alright, not all Hollywood actresses and musicians know how to wear hair extensions. I'm sure a lot of celebs who look natural and fabulous and gorgeous, are wearing Virgin Remy Indian Hair. I'm so sure!
Let's discuss some of the Remy Movers and Shakers.
Miss Britney Spears, do we need to ask is it real or fake? This young woman changes her hair so often, if it were her real hair, it would drop off her head from over processing. She has, in her younger years had nice hair but not so much in the recent past. She certainly doesn’t care what people think of her. From her shameful public debacle of shaving her head, to the present I-couldn’t-car-less-if-my-hair-extensions show. I mean really? Some celebdoms say she was exiting a dance studio so of course with all that dancing, her hair must have been awry. Gee, I guess there weren’t any mirrors in the studio. Not even in the restroom or anywhere before you left the place Britney? Sigh!
darling Britnayyy is 'trying' to campouflage (quite unsuccessfully) the hair extensions.
All that moolah, and you still dont find someone qualified enough to do her hair well? I feel so sorry for her.
And the time she decide to publicly announce her decision to go bald. Btw I love the look if its got an oomph to it. You got to be able to carry it off. The sad part is she made a mess of the whole incident. Poor PR! No spontaneity. I mean, so what if you made a mistake, no one knows till you show it! So Britney Spears? Definitely wearing Virgin Remy Indian Hair or just not wearing it right!
Ashlee Simpson is another example of someone who shouldn’t wear hair extensions. Like, ever! Perhaps if she knew how to wear them she would look just alright. Her hair is always so straggly with no real shape or sense of style. Ashlee ought to be going for a fuller, thicker head of hair. Someone tell her, shout it out from the rooftops till it gets through...Another one not wearing Virgin Remy Indian Hair well!
The third pick for nasty looking Hollywood actresses with hair extensions is ....
drumroll please ....
Christina Aquilera!
Got you agreeing there didn’t I? I'm sure I got lots of nods .
What is up with THAT head of hair? Yikes! Fried terrible extensions. Bad hair stylist. Bad hair day even. Bad mood. Couldn’t be bothered. Following in Britneys steps? We’re not sure what her problem is. But it shows in her hair alright. Her long Barbie doll blonde hair looks so fake. O.h s.o f.a.k.e! At times when the light shines on Christina, her hair looks synthetic, almost plastic. She is just another example of a beautiful woman gone bad … I mean bad hair! Sometimes I wonder if she intends to look so plastic. Perhaps her idea is to potray her sex bomb image with all the skin and bad hair. Just her look you thinks? I don't think she's even heard of Virgin Remy Indian Hair. With the pots of money she has, she just doesn't care.
For old times sake, who can forget bad hair episodes regurgitated time after time by Cher & Dolly Parton. Im so glad they dont make headlines anymore. Spares us looking at awful hair!
Her fans should all pitch in and gift her Virgin Remy Indian Hair Wigs. No, seriously!
Sometimes I wonder if they purposefully tried to achieve the drag queen look or they just accidentally looked like that. I guess if you make it to the hollywood gossip headlines, you've pretty much achieved half of your fame. I mean sure both women have hit songs that are always going to be remembered. But if they looked any less vibrant, wouldnt the impact be half lost!
So for they pull the award for bad fake hair (probably not hair extensions but they were worth the mention) from the good ol 70s and 80s. Wonder what folks 20 years from now will look back on 2011 and think 'gosh what horrible hair'
It can’t always be easy living the life of a Hollywood Actress. After all they face daily criticisms and are ridiculed often for their choice of style. But hey, they can afford to look picture perfect. Many of them do, but obviously some of them have yet to receive the memo. Wake up. Look good. You get paid to. You have eyes on you. No excuses! Ok there ends my rant. Hair extensions are meant to beautify not make you look like you’re wearing someone elses strands. Worse, look like you’re carrying a dead skunk on your head. Oh Dolly, when will you learn. If you really must have so many wigs, atleast go for the Virgin Remy Indian Hair and style them well?!
To wear or not to wear! Thats often the question as it relates to Hollywood actresses and their Hair Extensions (and I do hope they're adorned in Virgin Remy Indian Hair). They are always so glamorous, dressed to kill, with picture-perfect make-up and the most awesome hair. Well….in most cases!
There are actually a few actresses/musicians, one would hope, are wearing hair extensions. At times they can look down right awful. Sometimes breathtakingly beautiful.
Whatever the look they are aiming for, it’s usually achieved with hair extensions. Hit or miss, most Hollywood actresses, musicians and celebrities wear them. You wouldn’t even know they’re using hair that isn’t their own. How about taking a look at some who wear it wear their hair extensions well and some who don’t.
My rant is so huge that I had to decide to make it an awesome 2 part series. So enjoy!
Let’s for a second discuss a few Hollywood actresses/musicians who wear their fake locks well. Hillary Duff is a terrific example. This young lady has grown up in Hollywood. She’s gone from the kid’s networks to the big screens. We’ve witnessed her mature into a great Hollywood actress. She’s done that fabulously and with great hair I might add. Does she or doesn’t she wear hair pieces? It’s hard to tell because her beautiful long dirty blonde hair looks healthy and never unruly. If indeed Hillary does wear extensions, she wears Virgin Remy Indian Hair and boy! does she wear them well.
Jennifer Aniston is a well-known Hollywood beauty. Friends may have gotten her started but boy how her acting has taken off! It seems no matter what type of movie or televisions show she appears in, she always looks so naturally beautiful. Jennifer is never too made up, don’t you agree? Her hair has always been a topic of discussion and she’s set the precedent many times for the trendiest hairstyle. Her hair extensions merely add to her already gorgeous self. Hats off to her stylist for recommending Virgin Remy Indian Hair. You can't get more natural and high quality than that!
We must group musicians with Hollywood actresses since they are all quite famous. In saying that, a third great example of one who wears her extensions well is Jewel. She’s such an innocent looking woman with a lovely smile. Whether dressed up or down, her blonde hair looks radiant as it flows down over her shoulders. Wouldn’t say any of that lovely mane is fake would we now? Her pretti-ness is accentuated with her Virgin Remy Indian Hair locks.
Before I head to part 2, I’ve just got to talk about Kim Kardashian (she's well known for using Virgin Remy Indian Hair) and Jessica Simpson. Now they’re gooooood examples of hair worn well. I don’t care how much their stylists get paid. With a few fashion, and hair not to forget, faux pas, these girls know how to rock …
the red carpet
or music video
or commercial
or reality show episode
or … well you get the picture :-)
These girls know how to attract attention to themselves so they know their business - look good while you pretend to get caught ;) Jessica Simpson has collaborated with famous popular hair industry and fashion's gods and goddesses to create her own range of Virgin Remy Indian Hair.
On a final note:
Shannen Doherty!
I know you're asking what about her. But theres something about our girl that warms my heart right from her 90210 days to now (yes even her stint at _____) Her hair looks natural, she has a great devil may care attitude and has a good dress sense (or kudos to her stylist, whatever) But just for personal style, I had to add her in here too! This gal's definitely wearing Virgin Remy Indian Hair.